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Software Development Organization Setup
Context: You need an in-house software development team assembled to provide custom software to your organization.

Service Provided: We will assess how large a software development team you'll need for your effort. We'll assist in hiring the team lead, software architect, the software engineer(s), tester(s), release engineer, technical writer, support engineer(s) and possibly other positions. We will train your director on how a software team differs from other teams and how to manage them. We will design and setup the development environment, including tool selection (software), development system selection (hardware), build systems, etc. and documentation. We will setup software engineering policies, procedures, and employee requirements (such as security training).

Engagement plan:

  1. We will interview the organization lead (director) to determine the needs of the organization for software development.
  2. We will create a team setup proposal, the work effort needed and the goals to be accomplished.
  3. Upon your approval of the proposal, we will proceed to setup software development for your organization.

Pricing: Hourly rate

HanoverSoft's Professional Services Guarantee to our customers: if you are not completely satisfied within the first three days of the engagement, we will refund your money and terminate your commitment (travel expenses excepted). We deliver quality consulting services. We stand behind our people!

« HanoverSoft • 820 Churchill Dr. • Chapel Hill • NC • 27517 • USA • info@hanoversoft.net »