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REST API Development Context: You have an existing application or database with a designed REST API to access it. You need software developed so you can use the REST API. Service Provided: We will review your REST API documentation and seek clarification where needed. Working with your application or database owner, we will determine additional context, such as desired authentication method (e.g. auth token), location of REST API server (Cloud, internal, etc.), integration interfaces to your database or application, use cases, and so forth. We will develop the REST API, a test suite that demonstrates it is working correctly, and documentation (to compile, to setup, and to maintain the software). Client is responsible for licensing of all software needed for development, test, and deployment. We will provide training for your software team on the design, structure, extensibility and maintenance of the developed software. After the engagement, you may optionally choose for HanoverSoft to maintain and extend the software when needed. Engagement plan:
Pricing: Hourly rate
HanoverSoft's Professional Services Guarantee to our customers: if you are not completely satisfied within the first three days of the engagement, we will refund your money and terminate your commitment (travel expenses excepted). We deliver quality consulting services. We stand behind our people! | |
« HanoverSoft 820 Churchill Dr. Chapel Hill
NC 27517 USA info@hanoversoft.net »