Use Case: Log Data Collection

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Log data may come from files or devices connected via serial ports. Either way, MAE's virtual file system allows ready access to log data, which an application may consume or it may be saved to a database table (or to syslog or a new file).


You need to collect data from files that expand over time, e.g. log files. Or you need to collect data from equipment via serial port or other mechanism that requires local access from a remote system (like a device behind a firewall). And you don't want the maintenance nightmare of logging into those remote machines to adjust their configuration or pull the data.


MAE makes I/O resources available on one system seemlessly available on any of the other systems.  It is not required, but you can organize those resources into a hierarchical virtual filesystem to make accessing them logical.  Any node in that filesystem can be located on any MAE spoke.

By setting up a MAE spoke on each distributed system, centrally located software can access all I/O resources across all those distributed systems to collect data or connect to devices.

Ask HanoverSoft

Does this solution look like a fit for your organization?  Reach out to HanoverSoft at +1 (919) 270-6712 or to discuss.

Implementation Guidance

Each Log file on the distributed systems can be configured as a MAE I/O resoruce.  Each serial port or special access on the distributed systems is also setup as a MAE I/O resource.  Setting up these I/O resources and implementation guidance for this use case is the same as the IoT Data Collection use case.